Ashtanga Vinyasa Teacher Training 200 Hours

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*Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga 200小時教師培訓課程*

課程設計針對初學者和高級練習者,可以幫助增強他們的身體,心理和精神方面強度。我們的課程安排包括Ashtanga Vinyasa 初級序列體式練習,體式糾正,呼吸,瑜伽理論,解剖學和瑜伽經。由資深瑜伽導師及專業人士授課。適合任何希望提升瑜伽素質的瑜伽愛好者,通過大量教學實踐訓練,令有意成為瑜伽教育者的人士有效地吸取教學經驗,從而提升教學技巧。完成課程及通過考試之學員將獲發證書。

課程費用:mop: 30000(包含考試費)

2021年3月15日前報名:mop: 28000

*本課程内容根據瑜伽聯盟内RYT 200小時瑜伽導師訓練課程編訂,部分理論課程將使用網上視像程式進行,學員必須通過考試,方可獲發證書,並可自行注冊成為Yoga Alliance國際認可RYT200瑜伽導師。

The teacher training course limited to 10 people. The course offered by a team of Experienced Teacher and Doctors. This training program designed in accordance with the 200hrs requirements for registration with yoga alliance. After completing the course, you will be eligible to register with yoga alliance & you will be qualified to teach Asthanga Vinyasa yoga worldwide. The course schedule includes asana, teaching methodology, asana adjustment & theory, Yoga Anatomy, pranayama meditation, yoga philosophy, yoga ethics, Ayurveda & more.

Student will be taught the Asthanga primary series in order to develop a solid foundation of Asana and alignment practice. In these styles asana are practiced in a sequence in a dynamic and flowing style using breath, drishti (gaze) and energy lock (Banda). The end of the course students will gain confidence and able to teach Ashtanga primary series and students can create their own vinyasa flow sequence.

The Syllabus 

Techniques Training/Practice 

Teaching Methodology 

Anatomy and Physiology 

Yoga Philosophy 


